Return to the world of Bloodshot in the thrilling second installment of the Black, White, and Blood anthology! The co-creator of Bloodshot, Kevin Van Hook, returns! Fernando Dagnino and Timmy Heague deliver new and brutal challenges that push Bloodshot to his limits. Each tale delves deep into Bl...
Return to the world of Bloodshot in the thrilling second installment of the Black, White, and Blood anthology! The co-creator of Bloodshot, Kevin Van Hook, returns! Fernando Dagnino and Timmy Heague deliver new and brutal challenges that push Bloodshot to his limits. Each tale delves deep into Bl...
Return to the world of Bloodshot in the thrilling second installment of the Black, White, and Blood anthology! The co-creator of Bloodshot, Kevin Van Hook, returns! Fernando Dagnino and Timmy Heague deliver new and brutal challenges that push Bloodshot to his limits. Each tale delves deep into Bl...
Return to the world of Bloodshot in the thrilling second installment of the Black, White, and Blood anthology! The co-creator of Bloodshot, Kevin Van Hook, returns! Fernando Dagnino and Timmy Heague deliver new and brutal challenges that push Bloodshot to his limits. Each tale delves deep into Bl...
Return to the world of Bloodshot in the thrilling second installment of the Black, White, and Blood anthology! The co-creator of Bloodshot, Kevin Van Hook, returns! Fernando Dagnino and Timmy Heague deliver new and brutal challenges that push Bloodshot to his limits. Each tale delves deep into Bl...
After leaving Cimmeria filled with wanderlust, a young Conan heads north in search of glory. What he finds in that cold climate will change his outlook forever, setting him on the path that will make him a legend. The triumphant new era of Conan continues in this tale of brutal heroic adventure ...